4.9. ‫میان‌افزارها‬

An ASGI application based on the Backendpy framework (instance of Backendpy class) can be used with a variety of external ASGI middlewares. In addition to external middlewares, in the Backendpy framework itself, the ability to create middleware for the internal components and layers of the system is also available. These types of internal middlewares are discussed below:

4.9.1. Types of middleware

The types of Backendpy internal middlewares depending on the layer they are processing are as follows: Backendpy instance middleware

This type of middleware, like the external middleware mentioned earlier, processes an ASGI application (instance of Backendpy class) and adds to or modifies its functionality.

The difference between this type of middleware and external middleware is the easier way to create and attach it to the project, which instead of changing the code, we set it in the project config file. Request middleware

This middleware takes a Request object before it reaches the handler layer and delivers a processed or modified Request object to the handler layer.

Also, depending on the type of processing in this middleware, the middleware can prevent the request process from continuing and interrupt it with either raise an error response or returning a direct response in the second index of return tuple and prevent request from reaching the handler layer. Handler middleware

This middleware takes a request handler (which is an async function) before executing it and returns a processed or modified handler. As a result, this new handler will be used instead of the original handler to return the response to this request.

In this middleware, it is also possible to interrupt the process and return the error response. Response middleware

This middleware captures the final Response object before sending it to the client and returns a processed, modified, or replaced Response object.

4.9.2. Creating middleware

To create a middleware, use Middleware class and implement its methods. Each of these methods is specific to implementing different types of middleware mentioned in the previous section.

How to define these methods is as follows:

from backendpy.middleware import Middleware

class MyMiddleware(Middleware):

    def process_application(application):
        return application

    async def process_request(request):
        return request, None

    async def process_handler(request, handler):
        return handler

    async def process_response(request, response):
        return response

As can be seen, all methods are static and also except for process_application which is a simple function, all other methods (which are in the path of handling a request) must be defined as an async function.

As an example of a request middleware, it can be used to authenticate the user before executing the request handler:

from backendpy.middleware import Middleware
from backendpy.exception import BadRequest

class AuthMiddleware(Middleware):

    async def process_request(request):
        auth_token = request.headers.get('authorization')

        if is_invalid_token(auth_token):
            raise BadRequest({'error': 'Invalid auth token'})

        user = get_user(auth_token)

        request.context["auth"] = {
            'user_id': user.id,
            'user_roles': user.roles}

        return request, None

In this example, after receiving a request, first the user identity is checked inside the middleware and if there is an error, the error response is returned and if successful, the user information is added to the request context and we can access this information inside the request handler.

4.9.3. Activation of middleware

In order to activate a middleware in a project, we need to define them in the project config.ini file as follows:

active =

The middlewares are independent classes and can be written as part of an application or as a standalone module. In both cases, to enable them, their class must be added to the project config. This means that by activating an application, its internal middlewares will not be enabled by default.


Note that in a project you can define an unlimited number of middlewares of one type or in different types. Middlewares of the same type will be queued and executed in the order in which they are defined, and the output of each middleware will be passed to the next middleware.